piątek, 5 kwietnia 2013

Great article - dns for local network

Quite simple but this solution should help many times


Checking files with .sign keys

Question: how to verify file with .sign key (for example updates downloaded from dell sites)
- first you have to generate your own certificate with gpg: gpg --gen-key
- download file and its .sign key (ex: file and sign)
- import public key gpg --import linux-security-publickey.txt
- sign public key: gpg --edit-key linux-security@dell.com then fpr (for check fingerprint) and (sign for signature check)
- check file with gpg command:
 gpg --verify PER210_BMC_FRMW_LX_R278576.BIN.sign PER210_BMC_FRMW_LX_R278576.BIN

Result in Polish:
gpg: Podpisano w pon, 16 sie 2010, 13:41:21 CEST kluczem DSA o numerze 23B66A9D
gpg: Poprawny podpis złożony przez ,,Dell, Inc. (Product Group) ''