wtorek, 13 stycznia 2015

LXDE as default desktop

I'm using fedora 20, and I like very light desktop managers. One of my favorite is LXDE.
If you didn't install LXDE spin you have to install this desktop by yourself.

# yum install @lxde-desktop

// setup default display manager

# cd /etc/systemd/system;
# unlink display-manager.service
# ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/lxdm.service display-manager.service

// is someone don't like to write password
# vim /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf

// uncomment and change line

// reboot and enjoy!

Devilspie replacement, xdotool!

Sometimes we need to do something with windows or mouse on Linux by command line (for example for systems like ads display, move the cursor from center of screen) Devilspie is nice tool to do it, but there is another one: xdotool - nice to know!

// install app
yum -y install xdotool

// read some docs

// hide cursor
xdotool mousemove 2000 2000